PEOPLE – Anne Albrecht, M.D., Ph.D.

E-Mail: anne.albrecht [at]

Tel.: +49 (0) 391 6713604

ORCID // researchgate

Education & Academic Degrees

2013Dissertation (Ph.D., „Dr. rer. nat.“) „Mechanisms of contextual fear memory generalization“, OVGU, Magdeburg, (Supervisor: Oliver Stork)
2011Certificate „Neuroscience for medicines“, OVGU, Magdeburg
2010Dissertation (M.D., „Dr. med.“) „Role of the Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM) in amygdalo-hippocampal interaction and salience coding of contextual fear memory“, OVGU, Magdeburg, (Supervisor: Oliver Stork)
2008License to practice medicine
2008Degree in human medicine, OVGU, Magdeburg
2003- 2009Additional studies of neuroscience within course program „Neuroscience for medicines“ at the at the OVGU, Magdeburg
2001- 2008Studies of human medicine at the OVGU, Magdeburg

Professional data

Since May 2020University Professor of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Anatomy, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany
2019-2020Researcher at the Department of Genetics & Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Biology, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany
2016-2018Postdoctoral Researcher at the Leibniz Postdoc Network, LIN, Magdeburg
2012-2016Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Affective Neuroscience (ISAN)/ Sagol Department of Neurobiology, University of Haifa, Israel
2010-2012Postdoctoral fellowship at the Dept. of Genetics & Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Biology, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany
2003-2004 Sabbatical for research project “Mechanisms of generalization of conditioned fear and emotional sensitization” under supervision of PD Dr. Oliver Stork, Institute of Physiology, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany

Awards and Honors

2012-2013Presidential PostDoc fellowship University of Haifa, Israel
2009-2010Graduate scholarship of the State Saxonia-Anhalt
2007“Outstanding young investigator award” of the International Behavioral and Neuronal Genetics Society (IBANGS)
2005-2008Several travel awards of the „Committee for supporting young academics“, Medical Faculty, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany